Fédération française de cyclisme

Optimizing volunteer management for a marathon

Départ du marathon







Qoezion: Centralize the management of multiple volunteer groups

By bringing on board 90 associations to reinforce the team of volunteers already in place, it is a major challenge to maintain consistency in the management of this group. Qoezion is the solution for unifying and simplifying the management of several volunteer teams. Thanks to its specific features, Qoezion enabled the Marathon of Nantes to meet the challenges of coordinating volunteers from a variety of associations .

With Qoezion, all volunteers have access to the same information, whatever their association. The teammate space , document sharing , information maps , individual schedule and the messaging system are all tools that reinforce the sense of belonging and cohesion of all participants.

« In a short space of time, Qoezion has become my greatest ally in recruiting and managing my volunteers for the Nantes Marathon, where we manage a total of 1,300 people and some 90 associations. The tool is fundamentally easy to learn and use. So when you also benefit from the support of a friendly and responsive team, you are automatically a winner. »

Chloé Limouzin

Volunteer program manager

Thanks to Qoezion, Chloé was able to:

- Easily recruit and collect information from volunteers , thanks to an intuitive interface.

- Plan the roles and tasks of each volunteer , to ensure a consistent organization.

- Facilitate communication by centralizing exchanges within the platform.

Quick-Off stands out for the quality of its assistance for users of its software solutions . This assistance includes training, online resources, a responsive support team and an e-learning academy. This close collaboration has resulted in a relationship of trust with Chloé, manager of the volunteer program. Thanks to Qoezion, the management of volunteers from 90 associations was streamlined, strengthening the general coordination of the event and guaranteeing its success.


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